Sunday, October 17, 2021


Bullying. The toxic culture that has developed over the past decade has caused me to think deeply about the subject recently.

I was bullied often while growing up. Most was verbal, some intimidation, very little physical violence. Over fifty years later, I remember my bullies’ names and have a visceral response of fear and hatred when I think of them.
I have also been a bully. Primarily teasing which crossed the line to cruelty. Looking back on when I have bullied people, I am disappointed in myself. I know I am a better person than that. As my wife often tells me she “didn’t marry an asshole.” There are times when she is wrong.
I hope those who were the subject of my bullying will forgive me. Ironic, since I cannot find it in my heart to forgive my bullies. Let me know how I hurt you and I will do all I can to make amends. Know that I am truly sorry for being mean to you.
I post this not to seek affirmation or absolution, but to ask for your help. When you see me write or say something mean-spirited, publicly call me out. Let me know you expect better of me. With your help, I hope to become a better person. Thank you.

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