Ok, its been roughly four months since Lindsey and I "went on the road" in the fifth wheel and people want to know how I like it. I can honestly say, I've never been happier in my life. It has been a grand adventure so far, not without bumps, but generally, the time of my life.
I won't rehash our journey since Lindsey posts every aspect of our travels (feel free to hide us if it is too much sharing). But we spent four months roaming the southwestern portion of the US. Saw a lot of friends around the area and hope to see more as we go. After Christmas, we're heading east, through the south to Florida and the keys. In general, we only plan about 2 weeks out so I don't have an exact timetable.
So what makes this lifestyle pretty perfect for me right now? It is a combination of freedom and stability. Adventure but with the comforts of home when I want it. Being on vacation....without having to go back to work completely exhausted from the trip with a suitcase full of dirty clothes and a ton of everyday chores to get caught up on. And yes, we really do have all the comforts of home...full kitchen, dishwasher, washer/dryer, a real shower, a real bed, internet access and cable tv. Really. It is a complete home.
Do we feel cramped? Not really. Despite having a huge house, we actually "lived" in a very small portion of it. And we do a lot of things outside the trailer....that is the point of the journey. And the huge upside of a smaller space? The liberation of less stuff. And the liberation of not being tempted to buy more stuff because I don't really have the space.
Is towing a 38 foot trailer with the big ass dually F-350 scary? It gets easier all the time...and yes, I drive when we're towing it on a regular basis. Yes, we hauled the trailer over the Million Dollar Highway in Colorado without incident (although it certainly was an adventure). The learning curve has, as expected, been steep. But we've mastered it pretty well. We can set up camp or pack camp up in about 30 minutes...45 if we're in a hurry.
How have the boys handled it? The puglets LOVE being road dogs. They've made the trailer home and love getting to ride in the truck when we move. In fact, they are getting better and better at recognizing the "moving" routine and yodel until its time to get in the truck (where they sit and wait to be lifted in). In short, perhaps my biggest relief has been how much they've thrived.
Any regrets? Not really. I imagine we'll continue to refine some of the details of daily living but on balance, we're having a such a good time that I think we made a good choice for us. Traveling by road is a different (and broader) experience that flying somewhere and that has been great for us. Probably the closest I get to regret is that I didn't learn the important life lesson until the last few years that experiences matter more than possessions. When I'm old, I hope to have a lot of great memories and not a lot of "stuff" (and if my memory goes, I won't need stuff anyway).
Any surprises? A few. A little surprised by how many kids live in RVs full time (with parents). The RV park in north Houston actually has a bus stop out front for kids whose essentially live in the park and go to school. I would have expected kids during the summer but there have been kids in almost every RV park we've stayed at this fall. Also surprised as how kind and friendly the truckers have been. We usually try to fill up (with diesel) before we hook up to tow but often, we have to fuel while towing and the easiest place to do that (height and length issues) is truck stops. And the drivers have all been very friendly and helpful.
Any place we loved or hated? We've pretty much enjoyed everywhere we've been. They've all had their charms, whether small towns or cities. And their downsides. Loved Santa Fe and Durango, but the altitude it tough for folks like us who are used to sea level. Generally thought Phoenix was a little "meh" but I did have one of the best bahn mi sandwiches ever there. Sedona was beautiful but a little to hippy dippy even for me.
So, to all the people who have asked, life in the RV is great. I realize its one of those things people talk about doing but few people ever pull the trigger but I am delighted that Lindsey and I did jump off the deep end into this lifestyle. I really can't imagine living any other way right now, especially when we're still young enough and healthy enough to enjoy it. And to everyone who has said "I could never do that", I'd urge you not to sell yourself short. Lindsey and I probably seem like the most unlikely people to do this and yet, I can't endorse it heartily enough.
So Merry Christmas and stay tuned for more from the road.
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